Samastha School Year Exam Result 2017
Samastha School year exam done at April 1,2 days. We expect result come at around 16th April. More then fifty thousand students attend the exam. Public exam done 5th, 7th, 10th, 12th class. Samastha Kerala islamic educational board or samastha Kerala Islam matha vidyabyasa board know as SKIMVB was smastha’s first sub organization. The run up to the formation of the board started when marhoom sayyed abdul Rahman Bafaqi Tangal drew the attenstion of the ulama in 1945, at the 16the conference of samastha held at Karyavattam, to the urgent need of the organization to take up a leading and active role in setting up madrasas across the state. the 19 th samastha conference held in march 1951 at Badagara passed the historic resolution forming the educational board to meet the urgent need for a centralized madrasa system. the number of recognized madrasas has been on an amazing increase since then. There are madrasas which have classed up to 7 th madrasas which have classes up to 10 th and madrasa which have classes up to +2 standards.